03 Oct Welcome to our new colleague Tim

Photosymbiosis team has a new member, Tim Dederichs, who joined in September as a Research Engineer for the ERC project SYMBIOCEAN.
A few words about Tim :
“I did my studies in Biology, Biodiversity, and Ecology at the University of Greifswald in Germany and finished my Master’s with a project on comparative morphology in spiders. During my following PhD Program, I became particularly interested in the application of different microscopy techniques for questions regarding evolution and morphology, with a focus on correlative light- and electron microscopy. I am happy to have recently joined the Photosymbiosis Team as Microscopy Engineer in the SymbiOCEAN Project, where I will work on establishing techniques for 3D Cryo-Electron-Microscopy to make the interaction between photosynthetic symbionts and their host visible on ultrastructural level.”